Friday, August 13, 2010

Battle of the Door Part 1

There we were, driving in the U-District minding our own pickup truck when we suddenly encountered these doors situated close to a "FREE" sign. Finding myself unable to not take them (as I often find myself when stumbling upon anything near a free sign. Er, a "FREE" sign), we took them. One nearly broke my thumb until our driver, a man with the strength of at least ten men, assisted us. I call him ET.
The discarded doors we discovered. The one laying on its side is the stupid Thumb-Breaker.

So what will we do with these fantastically ordinary doors? Send them through a wood chipper and then attempt to reassemble them a la Monsters Inc? Mostly due to our lack of wood chippers, no. Thankfully, due to our lack of lack of fine point multicolored Sharpies, I will draw on them. Actually just one of them, because Sharpies would blow on that stupid Thumb-Breaker one. So I spent a quiet afternoon beautifying that white slab of cheap wood.
In my basement, looking like a well beautified white slab of cheap wood. With a bonus doorknob! Zang.
Then came the drawing of the door (I want to call it "dooring", but that just doesn't cut it as a portmanteau). I began by creating the four factions who would be space-battling to the death. Firstly, the Anchors, A diabolical spherical corporation hellbent on out-space-battling the universe. Secondly, the Delta Fleet, the triangular good to the Anchors' roundish evil, hellbent on stopping the Anchors. Thirdly, the Broken Boxes, a technologically advanced alien race hellbent on exploding anything they don't much care for. And finally the Seekers, a band of former mercenaries joined together as a rebellious group hellbent on making some extra cash by blowing space dudes up and selling their scrap as scrap. This is how it started:
Faction colors, because I see the world as one big RTS.
And it continued the next day, all while watching a lovely collection of Mythbusters episodes.
Yea, that's a Ghettoblaster and some gold Nikes in the back. What's it to you?
And the next evening...
Yet another endless Risk game lying on the floor, just waiting for me to "accidentally" pay somebody to sabotage it.
Close up of the Anchors' mothership. Yes, I have been playing a lot of Starcraft 2 lately and yes, Protoss is still exceptionally badass.
The Delta Fleet's mothership. Yes, I do enjoy Star Wars and yes, I prefer the Old Republic to the new one.
And it shall continue until the entire door is filled to its white cheap wood brim with space battles and similar space related and/or battle related material. Stay tuned!

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