Friday, October 8, 2010

Magic the Containering

Due to recent interest from my good friends regarding the classic what-kinda-crazy-game-are-those-middle-schoolers-playing-and-how-can-I-get-my-hands-on-some-of-those-sweet-ass-looking-cards trading card game Magic the Gathering, I have found myself with an excess of aforementioned sweet ass-cards and have been searching for a proper storage container for a bit. I, being the cheap ass-self that I am, decided against buying a professional grade card container with killer artwork featuring several (or a few) dragons fighting scrawny elves set against a magical foresty backdrop. Instead I thought "Hey, I can totally make an artwork on a container myself that probably won't be nearly as cool looking as that and might not fit cards in it perfectly and instead of paying actual money I only have to pay a hug to my mom so she won't notice me stealing one of her many random wooden boxes sitting in her sewing room!"

So make an artwork I did.

Representing the five elements of nature: Electric Colorless Sun, Rain Drop, Death by Purple, Top View of a Fiery Hammerhead Shark, and Cauliflower Gone Bad.
 What's that? You want some close ups, you say? Well, you still get them.

 Oh, now you wanna see the inside of the box too? Too bad, here it is.
20-sided dice, also property of my mom. I kinda wish I was joking about that.

Really? You still want another picture, I hear? Meh, whatever.
Now all I need is an exceptionally sturdy clasp with a huge ass-lock on it, because people stealing my noob decks of Magic cards is a very real fear of mine.


  1. omg, broseph, you're a freak.

  2. ur not a freak ignore the haters u rock home boy
